Wed, 28 Mar 2007 11:29:41 -0400
"Meir Wagner"
Subject: Kosher Pessach
My dear fellow chassidim and chassidistes,
Many of you know me, some of you don't. I've decided to spend a few minutes of valuable pre-Yudalef Nissan time to touch base with you. You see, after spending merely a few minutes 'phishing' on the internet, I know so much about you all. I recognize a niece (hi, Zeldy!), many former students (wazzup, Mattie, Mushky, Sarena, Chaya, Esti, Nechamie, Ruchel Baila) and some current students (hello, Goldie, Rachelli, Nechama, Myriam)... Your email addresses alone tell me who may be into her looks, has a sense of humor, is risqué, etc. I can easily find almost any of your postal addresses and phone numbers just with the info that I have now.
Do you really want the details of your life to be so wide-open to any stranger who just happens along??
The reason that we boys (yup, there's a few of you receiving this as well! (??!!??!! Considering that I 'phished' from girls' emails??!!??)) and you girls have the respective halochos of tznius, is that we believe in hiding a good thing, not in waving it in the public eye and full view.
On a more timely note, the reason the wicked son is mentioned next to the wise son, is so that the wise son doesn't get all proud of himself and think that he is safe from evil. He must know that the evil son is right there next to him, waiting for the opportunity to 'get his foot in the door'. BEWARE! Warns the Hagada: THERE'S NOT MUCH THAT SEPARATES A WISE PERSON FROM AN EVIL ONE!!
The point is:
Please, PLEASE, use caution. Be aware that by being on the world-wide-web you are very mush exposed to EVERY meshugganer (myself included or not – that's your choice!) in the world. I could have been sending anything to you! Protect yourself and use your yidishe, chassidishe kop to protect your kedusha as a yid in a befitting manner.
Sorry for intruding, and thank you for listening.
Rabbi Meir Wagner
HOW WIERD IS THAT?? If anybody else got this email please post it because I dont want to feel like I am the only bumm out there giving my email. Hay! I dont even give it out to anyone!!! Its soooo crooked!!
OKay..enough of my speaking, i just wanted the ed bearded man's picture to be all the way down the page!! LOL
Hope everyone ahs a Kosher and Freilichin Peasach!!
thats so strange....did u make this up?
Kind of scary actually. Broght out some real points., Golly, and I was just about to upload some wacky videos from our very favorite class. simcha, ios there a way to protect this with a password? anyhow, lemme know if you (anyone) saw trhis, WHO YOU ARE, and if you want to see the videos. i will put them up, but only if i know ppl are gonna see it. anyhow, gotta run, challa rose, time to bake it! so shabbat shalom y'all! moshiach now!
how do i start a new post ppl?
love ur tits lol
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