A counsler's gotta be a story teller at times...so I'm gonna start posting themed stories here. Enjoy!
There is a lovely story about the great Victorian Anglo-Jew, Sir Moses Montefiore. Montefiore was one of the outstanding figures of the nineteenth century. A close friend of Queen Victoria and knighted by her, he became the first Jew to attain high office in the City of London. His philanthropy extended to both Jews and non-Jews, and on his one-hundredth birthday, The London Times devoted editorials to his praise. "He had shown," said the Times, "that fervent Judaism and patriotic citizenship are absolutely consistent with one another."
One reflection was particularly moving: Someone once asked him, "Sir Moses, what are you worth?" Moses thought for a while and named a figure. "But surely," said his questioner, "your wealth must be much more than that." With a smile, Sir Moses replied, "You didn't ask me how much I own. You asked me how much I am worth. So I calculated how much I have given to charity this year."
"You see," he said, "we are worth what we are willing to share with others."
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Tragedy!! Due to some technical difficulties and miscommunications between cheapticket.com and spirit airlines...elana and rahcel werent in the computers!! AHHHHH!! so they stayed in the airporrt all day to try to convince the workers to put them onto a flight!!! SPIRIT AIR SUCKS!!! since they have really bad PR and service, elana and rachel will not be attending the wedding!!
if you would like your money back please call elana, and she will work something out with you!! if not the money will be used at bed, bath, and beyond, were Chavi is registered!! call for info
hey p.s. thanks to a man named Jonny elana and rachel had satisfyed stomachs!! thanks to his got kosher company!!
if you would like your money back please call elana, and she will work something out with you!! if not the money will be used at bed, bath, and beyond, were Chavi is registered!! call for info
hey p.s. thanks to a man named Jonny
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
almost there!!
guys, elana and rachel are still collectiong money!! call elana with any available pledges!!
Monday, June 11, 2007
its gonna work
Hey Guys,
Hope everyone recooperated from the trip!! It was a total blast!!
So were gonna keep this thing going but the only way is that everyone involve themselves on it!!!
2nd thing: if you are having trouble getting in please let me know!!
hope we can keep this thing going!!
already missing you,
Simcha Tova Peer
Hope everyone recooperated from the trip!! It was a total blast!!
So were gonna keep this thing going but the only way is that everyone involve themselves on it!!!
2nd thing: if you are having trouble getting in please let me know!!
hope we can keep this thing going!!
already missing you,
Simcha Tova Peer
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
SHALOM SHALOM GIRLIES!!!!! K we canot let this blog die down its really dyeing and i felt kinda bad for you all that everytime you clicked the blog you see a big red bearded man!! Ya i know how yall feel.. So i deided to post. Hope everyones vacation is going good and hoep everyone has cloths to were for yom tov because I HAVE ABSOLUTLY NOTHING!!! I think i am going to start a company when i get older of a new clothes line called Simkalie's Styles Anyway if anyone has any ideas of where to shop PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!! Oh by the way did anybody get an email from a man named: Meir Wagner it was soooo wierd and i have absolutly no idea where this person got my email address from or who he is and what its about! Jsut read it and youll understand how cookoo it is:
Wed, 28 Mar 2007 11:29:41 -0400
"Meir Wagner" bcmschool@gmail.com
To: bnoschayamushka@hotmail.com
Subject: Kosher Pessach
My dear fellow chassidim and chassidistes,
Many of you know me, some of you don't. I've decided to spend a few minutes of valuable pre-Yudalef Nissan time to touch base with you. You see, after spending merely a few minutes 'phishing' on the internet, I know so much about you all. I recognize a niece (hi, Zeldy!), many former students (wazzup, Mattie, Mushky, Sarena, Chaya, Esti, Nechamie, Ruchel Baila) and some current students (hello, Goldie, Rachelli, Nechama, Myriam)... Your email addresses alone tell me who may be into her looks, has a sense of humor, is risqué, etc. I can easily find almost any of your postal addresses and phone numbers just with the info that I have now.
Do you really want the details of your life to be so wide-open to any stranger who just happens along??
The reason that we boys (yup, there's a few of you receiving this as well! (??!!??!! Considering that I 'phished' from girls' emails??!!??)) and you girls have the respective halochos of tznius, is that we believe in hiding a good thing, not in waving it in the public eye and full view.
On a more timely note, the reason the wicked son is mentioned next to the wise son, is so that the wise son doesn't get all proud of himself and think that he is safe from evil. He must know that the evil son is right there next to him, waiting for the opportunity to 'get his foot in the door'. BEWARE! Warns the Hagada: THERE'S NOT MUCH THAT SEPARATES A WISE PERSON FROM AN EVIL ONE!!
The point is:
Please, PLEASE, use caution. Be aware that by being on the world-wide-web you are very mush exposed to EVERY meshugganer (myself included or not – that's your choice!) in the world. I could have been sending anything to you! Protect yourself and use your yidishe, chassidishe kop to protect your kedusha as a yid in a befitting manner.
Sorry for intruding, and thank you for listening.
Rabbi Meir Wagner
HOW WIERD IS THAT?? If anybody else got this email please post it because I dont want to feel like I am the only bumm out there giving my email. Hay! I dont even give it out to anyone!!! Its soooo crooked!!
OKay..enough of my speaking, i just wanted the ed bearded man's picture to be all the way down the page!! LOL
Hope everyone ahs a Kosher and Freilichin Peasach!!
Wed, 28 Mar 2007 11:29:41 -0400
"Meir Wagner" bcmschool@gmail.com
To: bnoschayamushka@hotmail.com
Subject: Kosher Pessach
My dear fellow chassidim and chassidistes,
Many of you know me, some of you don't. I've decided to spend a few minutes of valuable pre-Yudalef Nissan time to touch base with you. You see, after spending merely a few minutes 'phishing' on the internet, I know so much about you all. I recognize a niece (hi, Zeldy!), many former students (wazzup, Mattie, Mushky, Sarena, Chaya, Esti, Nechamie, Ruchel Baila) and some current students (hello, Goldie, Rachelli, Nechama, Myriam)... Your email addresses alone tell me who may be into her looks, has a sense of humor, is risqué, etc. I can easily find almost any of your postal addresses and phone numbers just with the info that I have now.
Do you really want the details of your life to be so wide-open to any stranger who just happens along??
The reason that we boys (yup, there's a few of you receiving this as well! (??!!??!! Considering that I 'phished' from girls' emails??!!??)) and you girls have the respective halochos of tznius, is that we believe in hiding a good thing, not in waving it in the public eye and full view.
On a more timely note, the reason the wicked son is mentioned next to the wise son, is so that the wise son doesn't get all proud of himself and think that he is safe from evil. He must know that the evil son is right there next to him, waiting for the opportunity to 'get his foot in the door'. BEWARE! Warns the Hagada: THERE'S NOT MUCH THAT SEPARATES A WISE PERSON FROM AN EVIL ONE!!
The point is:
Please, PLEASE, use caution. Be aware that by being on the world-wide-web you are very mush exposed to EVERY meshugganer (myself included or not – that's your choice!) in the world. I could have been sending anything to you! Protect yourself and use your yidishe, chassidishe kop to protect your kedusha as a yid in a befitting manner.
Sorry for intruding, and thank you for listening.
Rabbi Meir Wagner
HOW WIERD IS THAT?? If anybody else got this email please post it because I dont want to feel like I am the only bumm out there giving my email. Hay! I dont even give it out to anyone!!! Its soooo crooked!!
OKay..enough of my speaking, i just wanted the ed bearded man's picture to be all the way down the page!! LOL
Hope everyone ahs a Kosher and Freilichin Peasach!!
Friday, January 05, 2007
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
A Message from Texas!
Hey everybody!! Were here in Texas, its actually and shockingly freezing, today wasnt so bad!! We so far spent TONS of time in Wal*Mart!!! Last night we went in at about 9 oclock and got out at around 10:30 - oh and geuss what we were doing!!??? We were ridding those handicap cars while wearing orange texas rain coats and cowboy hats AND sunglasses <> !! LOL it was carazy!!! But fun, hope everyone is enjoying there wintercamps and enjoying there campers!!!
Love, Simcha and Rachel and Elana Malka
Hey everyone!!!
We're here in Ann Arbor having an awesome time. it's really cold, but it didn't snow yet, we pray for it every day. We had a crazy day traveling, with two stopovers and we came in at 1 am, the night before camp. We woke up 10 min before camp started, and even though we were sleep walking, i guess we were over tired we had a great time. The kids are adorable and we went ice scating, glow golfing...... Time is flying!!
After camp we went on wooden sleds down ice hills, it was crazy, went out to eat ...... Then at 2 am we got dressed up and walked up and down the streets...
Now were in a mall using the computers and we'll keep you posted.......
I hope everyone else is having a great time...
Love, Mushky, Mushk, Batya and Chaya
We'll see you soon, don't miss us too much!!!!
We're here in Ann Arbor having an awesome time. it's really cold, but it didn't snow yet, we pray for it every day. We had a crazy day traveling, with two stopovers and we came in at 1 am, the night before camp. We woke up 10 min before camp started, and even though we were sleep walking, i guess we were over tired we had a great time. The kids are adorable and we went ice scating, glow golfing...... Time is flying!!
After camp we went on wooden sleds down ice hills, it was crazy, went out to eat ...... Then at 2 am we got dressed up and walked up and down the streets...
Now were in a mall using the computers and we'll keep you posted.......
I hope everyone else is having a great time...
Love, Mushky, Mushk, Batya and Chaya
We'll see you soon, don't miss us too much!!!!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Senior challah email
We now have an official challah email address
everyone should email orders and let everyone know about it.
everyone should email orders and let everyone know about it.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
School stress!?!?!?!??

I warned the school administration time after time telling them that they gave too much homework and that my eyes had too many baggs on it...and no one listened...now MIT AMAL i have bags....anyone know how to get rid of it??...and would Pizza station please stop putting so much sugar in their food??..Look at my teeth..theyre poshe rotting away...I can't take it anymore...AD MOSAI!! AD MOSAI!! AD MOSAI!!!
Seminary...once again...=)
So right now, everyone is sitting in mrs. Yemini's class...and I am eating a potato knish........smiling because I'm not there with you all.. yep...i'm home....again.............what else is new?....Nechama, does it hurt you..you know....to be just so.......you know......the question I ask everyday...because now as I ponder what else to write...the brain is just hurting....bemeyleh the head is hurting as well....anyways, so I spoke to Mrs. Chitrik today....she said that she would really want me in her school, and that she doesnt think she needs to accept any of the other girls applying being that she has me.she also said if I agreed to go she would take care of the costs...she's pretty much paying me to go to her school....yes yes..im sure you are all wondering .." If Chana Stery is going, she may chas vesholom be taking my spot there".......oysh I really feel bad doing it to you guys....but I really don't have any rachmanos.....I just know I'm getting in.....Roses are Red, violets are blue, most poems ryme, but this one doesnt.
Moshiach now..
Moshiach now..
Monday, December 11, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Whats Going On Here???
Why arent people posting!! HELLO, this isnt simcha, batya's, and Elana's blog!! PLease post things, it cant die already!!! Anyway, today was my hebrew school Pre-Chanukah Party!! It was so good, b"h. Seriuosly, parents were so impressed!! We made a movie <> it was really cute and rachels class sang such cute songs!!!
Now Im leaving and going to Ada Cunins party @ Century City so see yall!!!!
Now Im leaving and going to Ada Cunins party @ Century City so see yall!!!!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
I poshe can't wait for this seminary Panel- Its takeh unbelievable what a year of sem could do!....Ladies, I hope you improve your midos ( you know what I mean ;-) ) ...Bepashtus, I'll get back to all of you and report how it went....Adaraba, Mushky Raichik convinced me to apply to chitrik, so that just adds onto the competition...folks, add me on the list...I'm applying there....So I takeh dont think I have a problem getting in...Bemeyleh, It should be easy....like the blink of an eye.....
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